GR Duchess "SOLD"
GR Duchess is a lovely young filly. She possesses many sought after attributes. This little girl is absolutely COVERED in hair. She has the feather of a mare twice her age and a rapidly growing mane and tail. Duchess has a beautiful short body and is very correct. Her sire is Westmoreland Farm’s Lion Prince who is one of the best gypsy stallions in the world. Prince is absolutely breathtaking, he has a tremendous amount of feather, mane, and tail. His mane reaches the ground and his tail drags almost a meter behind him. Prince is passing on this trait to all of his offspring. He is sired by the famous Lion King. Lion King has sired National Grand Champions all over the world. His descendants are very coveted and rare due to his death. Duchess’s dam is Westmoreland Farm’s Lucky Charm. Charm’s sire is Westmoreland Farm’s Lucky who resides in the USA. Lucky is undefeated in the show ring. If you’re looking for a mare to incorporate into your breeding program or if you’re looking for a companion Duchess will be the perfect fit.
GR Duchess
DOB: 21st September 2012
Duchess has now been "SOLD"
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We believe in breeding the best to the best. Our superb stallions are bred only to our personal mares to produce superior Gypsy Horses.
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