Sunshine Daisy

GRS Sunshine Daisy
(Crackerjack x GG Latcho Rose)

Daisy is just as her name implies .... a little ray of sunshine. Daisy is small and compact, very friendly and very cute. Daisy would make a wonderful family horse ... ideal in a cart or just as ideal under saddle as an all rounder for a child or small adult. Daisy has an impressive pedigree with her dam having been bred by Gypsy Gold Farm in Florida. Daisys' pedigree includes the late Latcho Drom, GG Rose, Cracker Jack, Tristan, The Midget, Westmoreland Pumpkin, The Producer, The Lion King, The PO Mare and more. POA

GRS Sunshine Daisy (Crackerjack x GG Latcho Rose)

DOB: 07/12/2017

GRS Sunshine Daisy Crackerjack
imported (USA)
Westmoreland Tristan (USA)
Vines Mare (UK)
GG Latcho Rose
imported (USA)
Latcho Drom (USA)
GG Rose (USA)